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1st Place Fail Safe Fail - Scott Cunningham
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2nd Place Against their Will - Vivianne Carey
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3rd Place Look at Me - Cecil Norris
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Merit Award Audrey's World - Becky Hyatt Rickenbaker
Slide 5
Merit Award Her Disfigured Present - Quiauna Wood
Slide 6
Merit Award Hanging Out the Wash - Mary Cooper McDonough
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Merit Award Blue Tin - Michael England
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Merit Award Birds of a Feather - Roger Sledge
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Merit Award One Notch Beyond Alleged Symmetry - David Stuart
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Merit Award Is the Renovation Ever Going to be Over - Jan Swanson
Juror's Comments
3rd Annual Juried Exhibition
Jurors Mary Erickson and Denise Woodward-Detrich present their selections of the winning artworks for the 2021 Annual Juried Exhibition, including their comments for each selection.
A Special Thank You to This Year’s Sponsors
2021 Annual Juried Exhibition
View each of the artworks in this year's exhibition.