Karin Patrick


Artist Statement

I have always dabbled in clay. My 3rd grade teacher gave me an outstanding on a sculpture I did of a Dachshund. Wish I understood that was an earlier path my life could have taken. What I would say about myself is I love to experiment with color – some turn out great and some UGLY, but it is all in the process of trying to be outstanding and finding my true color palette.


Karin grew up in…With a degree in Business and Advertising, Karin worked in the finance industry where she continued to learn and dabble in ceramics by taking night classes and private lessons. When the mortgage industry came to a screeching halt in 2008, Karin moved to North Carolina and immersed herself in taking numerous ceramics classes. Now about 6 years later, she has her Cat’s Meow Pottery business and participates in a variety of festivals. She also has some items in the Meat at Tryon.

Member since 2020