Spartanburg artist Lady Pluuto wants visitors to the upcoming exhibition of her paintings at the Artists Collective | Spartanburg to come away with an understanding that peace is a mindset, not a destination. “The more...

Chrono: The Dimensional Portal

Spartanburg artist Lady Pluuto wants visitors to the upcoming exhibition of her paintings at the Artists Collective | Spartanburg to come away with an understanding that peace is a mindset, not a destination.

“The more we choose peace, the more the rest of the world will follow,” says the Atlanta-born artist who now lives in Spartanburg.

“Chrono: The Dimensional Portal,” featuring 20 of Lady Pluuto’s works, will be on exhibit April 6 through May 1 in Gallery III at the Artists Collective. The show is free and open to the public. The works will be offered for sale, with pricing starting at $10.

“With this exhibit, I hope to help people understand that we are more than just our bodies and earthly circumstances,” she says. “We are all infinite beings living temporary lives to broaden our perspectives and increase our awareness of love. My goal is to help people feel more at peace in the present when viewing my work.”

Lady Pluuto, who has been an Artists Collective member since 2019, says her spirituality and beliefs play a major role in the inspiration behind the exhibit, in which viewers will see vibrant, colorful landscape and abstract paintings varying in size and medium. “I believe that every soul or consciousness in existence is God playing out a specific role from all different perspectives and that we exist in multiple dimensions at once. I believe that time is not linear, but spiraled. The past is where our memories live, the future is where our dreams are born, and the present is elusive.”

Her works were created “in different moments of my life and represent different dimensions that exist within my subconscious,” she adds. “Much like our souls and the people we encounter in life, it was always in their plan to be together in this present moment.”

She says her works are most often described as “peaceful, heartfelt and refreshing. The most important thing to be said about this exhibit is that there is beauty in learning to be present.”

In 2020, Lady Pluuto had works exhibited in “Hit Refresh: New Member Exhibit” at the Artists Collective, “Black Artists of Spartanburg Exhibit” at the Chapman Cultural Center and she assisted the late Madddartist with his “R” in the Black Lives Matter mural in downtown Spartanburg. She also painted a mural inside The Tulip Tree restaurant in downtown Spartanburg last year.

Previously, she has had works displayed in “An Unfinished Story” in Spartanburg’s Montgomery Building, “Birth Matters Garden Party and Silent Auction,” Habitat for Humanity Spartanburg’s “Upcycled Art Show” and Thomas Koenig’s exhibit “Seeing Big.”

She also has done live paintings in downtown Greenville and held a paint-and-sip event last year. She has had pop-up shops at Anderson Mall, Drayton Mills and Midtown Lounge.

“I am thankful for the opportunity to display my art at a location – the Artists Collective | Spartanburg – where I am loved, respected and admired,” Lady Pluuto says. “My art is at home at the Artists Collective. It is a safe haven for artists from all walks of life and deserves more credit and recognition for it.”